How to find and recover Microsoft Office product key?
Recover Keys is a popular tool that will help you to find and recover lost Microsoft Office activation key, as well as retrieve license
keys for over 11,000+ program packages. Recover Keys will both find Microsoft Office key and recover license keys for all the software installed on the local computer or on multiple
network computers. This tool will track the number of licenses installed within your network, find and recover forgotten or lost product keys, save and backup them
for all the software installed. So, system administrators can easily protect the company from pirated software installed on the network or simply reinstall any
software without having to search for serial numbers printed on CD holders.
Retrieve Microsoft Office keys with Recover Keys
Download Recover Keys as your Microsoft Office keyfinder and install it on your PC. This Keyfinder will helps to find license keys of Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, etc. With Microsoft Office 2013/2016 product key situation is unique compared to previous versions of Office. See Will Recover Keys show Office 2013/2016 product keys? for detailed instructions. This Microsoft Office keyfinder does not only recover lost Microsoft Office serial, but also supports such popular products as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Acronis products, Nero, Adobe products and more than 11,000+ other program packages.
Each time you launch the application there is a dialog offering to scan local computer, remote computer, multiple computers, another Windows system or to scan another Registry Hive for program keys. Select the option to Scan multiple computers and add the name or IP for each computer to be scanned by Microsoft Office key viewer.
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Microsoft Office keyfinder will automatically scan the selected computers to retrieve Microsoft Office key. You can manage scanning by pausing or stopping the process anytime.
After Recover Keys successfully finished computers scan, simply save the list of license keys to a file or print it to easily find Microsoft Office key in the future. You can export the list to Word, Excel, CSV, XML and other files.
That's it! Now, when you need to reinstall any program, simply refer to your backup list.