What's new in Recover Keys version 9.0
8000+ software programs supported
About 1500 new programs were added to our list of supported programs, since last version of Recover Keys. Take a
look at graphic below on how numbers of supported programs increased in versions of Recover Keys:
Windows 10 ready
Recover Keys is fully compatible with the latest version of Microsoft Windows, including recovery of Windows 10 product key. If you want to recover Windows 10 product key, please read following:
If you upgraded to Windows 10 on this PC by taking advantage of the free upgrade offer and successfully activated Windows 10 on this PC in the past, you won't have a Windows 10 product key, and you can skip the product key page by selecting the Skip button. Your PC will activate online automatically so long as the same edition of Windows 10 was successfully activated on this PC by using the free Windows 10 upgrade offer.
Export to SQL
MySQL, MSSQL and SQLite formats are supported
PuTTY-less Mac scan
Mac scan via SSH is now native and doesn't require PuTTY
Improvements to search
Easily find keys / titles you're looking for.
CMD improvements
Scan another Windows OS using CMD; IPv6 range; create output filename with current date/time.
"Deep scan" improvements
Deep scan is now working with Registry Hives too.
Better "Deep scan" filtering
Improved deep scan data filtering, deep scan now filters out more unrelated to product keys data.
Improved performance of large .reg files scan
Some .reg files size might be over 1 GB, in such case scan performance is essential to save time.
IPv6 support
You can now scan IPv6 range with both GUI and CMD versions.
Now available in 31 languages: English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Íslenskur, Nederlands, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi, Eesti, Český, Magyar, Ελληνικά, Polski, Português (Portugal), Português do Brasil, Türkçe, Română, Bahasa Indonesia, Українська, Русский, ქართული, 日本語, 한국어, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai.