
  Recover Keys(密鑰恢復軟體) 是一款簡單而又全面的Windows應用程式,在系統或硬碟崩潰的情況下,專門用於保護您的軟體啟動密鑰(CD光碟密鑰)。

密鑰恢復軟體 是一款性能卓越的工具,是中小型企業的管理員、電腦服務提供商,以及需要管理家裏多台電腦的居家人士之必備軟體。密鑰恢復軟體可以掃描註冊表,找回已安裝軟體的許可證CD光碟密鑰,並且可以將其列印出來,或者將軟體許可證資訊保存到一個檔中。密鑰恢復軟體可以從本地電腦、遠端電腦甚至已經崩潰的硬碟驅動器中恢復和備份許可證資訊。由於介面友好,選項眾多,所以無論是專業人士還是沒有經驗的用戶都能夠自如地使用密鑰恢復軟體。



Recover Keys boxshot



密鑰恢復軟體可以幫助您恢復各類產品的啟動密鑰,適用於微軟Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 伺服器 / Vista / Windows 7,微軟Office辦公軟體(所有版本),Acronis產品,SlySoft 產品,Adobe產品,Nero,Camtasia Studio以及其他各類軟體程式。目前,密鑰恢復軟體可支援多達 11,000+ 多種程式。如需查看支援軟體的完整列表,請參閱 支援軟體清單



將最近購買的所有程式的啟動碼全部備份,可以為您節省大量的金錢、時間和精力。密鑰恢復軟體就是這樣一款專門幫助您備份您的產品密鑰的程式。此款產品密鑰尋回軟體可以迅速地分析您的系統,並且找回所有相關的許可證資訊。然後您就可以備份所有的產品密鑰,並將其保存為Text文字檔案,Word文檔Excel表格HTML格式CSV格式XML格式 或者直接列印出來,並將此列表保存在一個安全的地方。







除了可以掃描您本地的個人電腦的產品密鑰,密鑰恢復軟體還可以掃描任意一台遠端網路電腦。如需掃描網路電腦,請將該台個人電腦的名稱或IP位址,以及驗證用戶名和密碼輸入到 "掃描遠端電腦" 對話方塊內。

請注意: 此功能無法提供給 個人許可證的用戶,僅提供給 基本許可證 以上的用戶。





請注意: 可以同時接受掃描來查找產品密鑰的電腦數量會因為軟體許可證的限制而有所不同:

許可證類型 掃描遠端電腦數量 在同一時間多重掃描多台電腦
個人許可證 1 台電腦
基本許可證 2 - 9 台電腦
高級許可證 10 - 99 台電腦
企業許可證 無限制



密鑰恢復軟體可以為本軟體的用戶提供技術支援和定期更新。目前密鑰恢復軟體可以恢復 11,000+ 多種軟體程式的密鑰,而且一旦有新版本發佈,我們就會不斷地添加程式的新版本和新的程式。支援的軟體每天都在增加,而且我們竭盡全力地讓我們的客戶獲得最新發佈的軟體和最近更新的新版本。



Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11. 32位元或64位元系統。無特定要求。

密鑰恢復軟體目前可以提供的語言版本包括 English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Íslenskur, Nederlands, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi, Eesti, Český, Magyar, Ελληνικά, Polski, Português (Portugal), Português do Brasil, Türkçe, Română, Bahasa Indonesia, Українська, Русский, ქართული, 日本語, 한국어, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai. 。


功能 \ 許可證 個人許可證 基本許可證 高級許可證 企業許可證
掃描本地電腦 11,000+ 個密鑰
掃描遠端電腦 1 台電腦 2 - 9 台電腦 10 - 99 台電腦 無限制
Scan remote Mac OSX
Command-line version
Portable version
價格 $29.95 $69.95 $149.95 $299.95

For license usage visit license policy of Recover Keys


密鑰恢復支持的 11,000 種套裝軟體,包括:

Microsoft Windows
AutoDesk 3DMax
Microsoft Office
Registry Mechanic
Alcohol 120%
Ahead Nero
Acronis Products
SlySoft CloneCD
Corel Draw
Camtasia Studio
O&O Products
Symantec Products
Electronic Arts
Adobe Photoshop
Ulead Products
Unreal Tournament
VMware Workstation
Ashampoo Products
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere

以及更多。如需查看支援的全部軟體,請訪問 此頁

Reviews from credible sources

Recover Keys KeyFinder review by SoftPedia


Recover Keys is a powerful Windows tool designed to help users recover product keys for Windows, Microsoft Office and many other installed apps. As compared to all the other apps on the market developed to serve the same purpose, Recover Keys provides many more options, allowing you not only to scan the local computer, but also network workstations, another Windows operating system or various Windows components.

For example, Recover Keys can look for product keys in the Adobe cache.db file if you're trying to get the license key for an Adobe piece of software, but it can also check registry files for available information. A standard scan doesn't take more than a few seconds, with Recover Keys showing the product name, type and license key in a very well organized interface.

What's more, the application lets you export the collected information to a number of popular formats, including TXT, HTML, Word, Excel, PDF, CSV or XML.
Although a help section isn't available in the app, the developer lets you ask for technical support using an online contact form, but an Internet connection is obviously needed.
The program however works smoothly on all Windows versions and it doesn't affect the overall stability of the system. No administrator privileges are needed on Windows 7 workstations.
To sum up, Recover Keys is clearly one of the best tools developed to recover lost product keys. It provides a great feature package and comes with a straightforward GUI that makes everything easy as pie for all user categories.

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Bogdan Popa, Softpedia on July 13th, 2012

About.com review of Product Key Finder Recover Keys


Recovery keys is an excellent, full featured keyfinder program.
Pros: Supports a huge list of programs and games, well designed interface, scanning of networked computers is very easy. Cons: Keys are not displayed instantly, installation is required.

Finds Keys for Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, and NT. Finds Keys for Other Software: Most Microsoft Office programs, Adobe applications, and many other popular programs - well over 800 in total. I tested Recover Keys using their demo version which restricts product key recovery to the first 4 characters.

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Tim Fisher, about.com

ComputerBild review


Finally, no stress when you reinstall a program.
Originaly was writteln in German: Endlich keinen Stress bei der Neuinstallation eines Programms

ComputerBild - Ausgabe 03/2010

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